Fall term: 10 weeks Sept. 19th – Dec. 2nd 2022, No classes (Nov. 21-25th.)
Winter term: 10 weeks Jan.9th – March 17th 2023
Spring term: 10 weeks April 3rd – June 9th 2023
Textbooks: Berliner Platz Neu 1-3; Grammatik Leicht A1-2; Rankin Grammatik, & selected materials; English Grammar for Students of German (highly recommended); See each course description below or contact us for more information.
- Classes limited to max. 10 (zoom 8) students.
- Required books can be received by the school.
- In-person classes may meet in zoom only when necessary.
- Conversational assistant available in all classes with 4+students.
- Library access for further reading available.
- See calendar overview for additional events and activities: Year at Glance.
Overview of courses 2022-23
(contact us for detail and placement confirmation):
- Individual German Lessons 60 min/week $320
- Individual German Lessons 90 min/week $480
- A1 German Conversation (10x 60min) – tbd, $110
- A2 German Conversation (10x 60min) – Mon, 6-7:00pm, $110
- Deutsch 1: Lower Beginning German Part 1 (A1.1-3, 10x 90 min.), $160
- Deutsch 2: Lower Beginning German Part 2 (A1.4-6, 10x 90 min.), $160
- Deutsch 3/4: Upper Beginning German (A2.3-4) Fri, 9:30-11am, $160
- Deutsch 4: Upper Beginning German (A2.4-6) Fri, 4:30-6pm, $160
- Deutsch 5: Intermediate German (A2/B1) Wed/Thu, 6:00-7:30pm, $160
- Deutsch 7-8: High Intermediate/Advanced German (B2/C1) Wed, 6:00-7:30pm, $160
- Individual program (combination of classes and themes–contact the school)